Lessons Learned During My Career Switch

My former career was a large part of my identity, like it is for most people. Just think of the first question we usually ask when meeting a new person: “What do you do for work?”! How can it not be when we spent 8 or more hours a day for years at our jobs.

Eighty-five percent of workers worldwide admit to hating their jobs when surveyed anonymously, according to a Gallup poll released in August 2017. Fortunately for me, I was never part of that eighty-five percent. I have always loved my work and have found great accomplishment and opportunity for growth at each point in my career.

Changing careers from working in Operations and Compliance at Preventure to owning my own personal coaching business has highlighted some key practices that keep me motivated and joyful in my day-to-day tasks.

By switching careers, I’ve found that these are the most important things I can possibly do:

  1. Focus on the positive impact I have on others. If I’m starting to feel frustrated with mundane, albeit necessary, tasks I read quotes and client testimonials, and remember the opportunity to help others is a GIFT. I can serve and witness the positive influence of fitness on others.

This blog originally appeared on Kathy Webster’s website, ShipShape. Click here to read the whole blog.