5 Positive Effects of Travel Professionally and Personally

I’ve been extremely fortunate in my young adult life to travel domestically and internationally for work. At the early age of just 25 years old, I went on my very first business trip to Austin, TX. From that point on, I knew my sheltered life had changed forever.

Through my job, I’ve seen the entire United States and many countries in Europe. Aside from my business trips, any chance I get, I’m on always the move—whether it’s driving a few hours to the beautiful mountains of Vermont, or venturing to the nearest city for the weekend to seek out a new neighborhood or a new coffee shop. Travel and a passion for exploring have always been deeply rooted in me. Over the years, these valuable travel experiences have given me priceless memories and helped me grow into the person I am today at 32.

Here are a few reasons why traveling can have a positive impact on you both personally and professionally:

Creates an Open Mind.

Visiting a new place that is out of your comfort zone and your “normal” will expand your mind to view the world and your life from a different angle. Seeing how people live in different cultures is so important for personal growth and appreciation of your own life. It will bring you down to earth and make you feel small in this big, big world we live in. It’s a beautiful realization to have that your problems are so small compared to our huge planet.


Improves Your Remote Work Ability.

If you often work remotely like me, traveling for work is another form of remote work in many ways. Not only do I work remotely on business trips, but I often extend my vacations and work remotely for a week or two. This flexibility is only possible if you learn to be extremely structured and focused while away from your office. Not everyone is cut out to focus in alternative work environments. But, if you are like me, you can turn the “at work” switch on and off no matter the location—and that’s a beautiful way of life.


Fosters Creativity.

What bolsters creativity more than a new place? Nothing, in my opinion. A person who stays in one spot for months, years on end—the same office, day in and day out—will likely not become more creative. Their ideas and perspective will remain stagnant. Travel is key to creating and ideating. There’s no better solution than setting up shop in a new environment, a new room, with a new view. Your brain will come back to its normal office setting feeling rejuvenated and juicy with fresh ideas.


Stimulates Personal Growth.

Over the last 10 years, I’ve grown into a drastically stronger, more open minded, more adaptable person. I owe most, if not all of that to travel. Exploring new places, experiencing new cultures, meeting new people and being forced out of your comfort zone is the best way to grow as a person. If you never leave your home or your town, how will you ever know who you are meant to be in this big, crazy world?


Keeps Things Exciting.

Admit it, you day-to-day life can get boring at times. No human wants to do the exact same things every single day forever. That’s why travel and changing environments is so important for happiness and living a balanced life. As said in one famous quote, “Life isn’t supposed to be live in one place.” So, get out there and see your state, your country, and even the world!