Speaker Spotlight: Erin Mahoney, Speaker, Author, Empowerment Advocate

We are just a few short weeks away from our final leadership training of 2019, “Experience = Power: Where You’ve Been Leads to Your Most Fulfilling Future.” During the training, taking place Dec. 17, speaker, author and empowerment advocate Erin Mahoney will help us explore how we use what we know from the past to charter our most powerful and fulfilling future. It’s a training I have been waiting to bring to Nexus with bated breath when I first met Erin more than a year ago, when her husband—who I used to work with—thought we might hit it off over our shared passion for building a world that empowers, supports and nourishes girls and women.

He was right!

I was immediately drawn to Erin's energy, spirit and unbelievable insight into how to show up as a present, powerful woman. Erin is a dynamo, empowering women and girls everywhere to believe they are capable of so much more than they ever thought possible through her companies, speaking and best-selling books.

It is an honor to have Erin as our featured speaker to round out our 2019 leadership development training. Learn more about Erin in our quick Q&A catch-up!

To begin, can you tell readers a little bit about you... how you got started down your path and how it ultimately led you to where you are today: founder of Girl Power Go, speaker, best-selling author, leadership expert, etc.

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Girl Power Go was born from a need to help girls be courageous and brave while still being loving and kind. The idea came to me almost 10 years when a little 7-year-old girl was being picked on on the bus. The girls were calling her a tomboy and because she was shy, she didn’t want to confront the girls that were teasing her. When she finally built up the courage to ask them to stop, the teasing got worse. I went on a mission… a mission to help this little girl stand in her power!

I founds a t-shirt that said, “I’m not a tomboy, I’m an athlete!” and I gave the shirt to this amazing little girl. She walked on that bus like she owned it! That t-shirt made her feel brave, courageous, safe and proud. At that moment, it became clear to me that there are millions upon millions of girls who also need to find ways to take their power back while still being kind. This little girl took her power back without ever saying a word to the girls on the bus! She owed who she was and felt proud of her actions. From there, I began creating curriculum based on many of my own experiences as a child, research and what I had observed as a fitness instructor and parent. I began working with local Girl Scout troops, after school programming and community parks and recreation organizations.

Over the last 10 years, Girl Power Go has worked with thousands of girls teaching life lessons on everything from how to be brave to how to be a good friend to healthy eating to the importance of rest. Our work begins in elementary school and continues serving kids up until the 12th grade.

Beyond that, we have programs for women. Our mission is to empower girls and women everywhere. To help girls realize that they are stronger together and should lift each other up instead of tearing each other down. We want girls to do the right thing when no one else does, own their actions and take responsibility even if they make a mistake. Through our programs, we teach the girls to help others whenever they can and that it is each girls responsibility to be loving and kind and to let others be who they are.

Our Girl Power Go mission and message is to build confidence, courage and strength. Our goal is to inspire, educate and provide proven strategies that develop strong connections to “self” and others. The foundation of our company are life-lessons, love and kindness concepts, awareness activities, fitness, energy work and positive thinking.

It is my belief that every girl, women and human being has a bright, beautiful light inside of them. My passion and purpose is to show them how to let it shine through. I want girls and women to know that they have the power to inspire others through their actions, love and kindness.

In 2017, I published three books with the vision of reaching a greater number of girls and women. The best-selling “Girl Power Guidebook for Parents & Instructors,” “Girl Power Journal” and “Positive Vibes for Women” books are the vehicle for me to share my proven strategies with the world. My hope is that girls and women leave our classrooms, workshops and finish our books feeling stronger, more powerful, brave and courageous and with more self-compassion and love then when they arrived. We help girls and women transform into the amazing beings they were born to be!

It is big work, but I will never stop finding ways to help girls and women feel empowered and worthy!


So much of your work, whether speaking, writing, coaching, etc., involves inspiring and motivating people to step outside of their comfort zone and live a life that has positive impact on the world. Where/why do you find women, in particular, get stuck when it comes to stepping outside of their comfort zone and living an inspired life. How can they overcome this?

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I believe that women get stuck or have trouble stepping out of their comfort zones for many reasons but primarily what I see is self-doubt. Somewhere along the way someone or something made them feel “not enough” or “less than” and that gets them stuck. Measuring ourselves, coming from a place of proving or comparing our work, accomplishments and past to others often gets women stuck in fear, disappointment and self-doubt. It's impossible to move forward, feel successful and crush your life from a place of low self-work or confidence.

I am on a mission to help women get perspective of who they REALLY ARE and all their value, let go of the past after finding the lessons that lead to their success. My mother had a saying and it is a non-negotiable rule in my life, "You can't get past anything without going straight through it!" In other words, until we heal the past we cannot embark on our brightest, most fulfilling future. Forgiveness is key and I know for a fact that forgiveness leads to freedom! 


How do you define leadership and how do you want to see the definition continue to shift?

When I think of leadership, I think of someone with great integrity and compassion. Someone who does what they say they are going to do, owns their mistakes, leans into others strengths by acknowledging their own weaknesses. A  great leader, in my opinion, is always learning, listening and has an abundant mindset knowing that the most powerful teams and organizations grow from collaboration, respect, clear communication and empathy. Without human connection and mutual respect success is never an option. 


When you work with girls and women, what is one overarching belief/sentiment you always like to impart onto them?

When I work with girls and women, the overarching benefit/sentiment I always like to impart on them is YOU ARE WORTHY NOW! Know your worth, ask for what you want, don't let fear or uncertainty stop you from thriving! YOU ARE ENOUGH in every single moment! Kids are wired to make mistakes. I wish someone would have told me that when I was younger. Sharing these messages of self-love, forgiveness and a “be fearless” mindset allows people to get uncomfortable while knowing they are “normal” and always ENOUGH!


You will be our featured speaker at our next Nexus event; what mindsets are you hoping to awaken/shift among our members?

I know from my journey that vulnerability, authenticity, high integrity and clear communication are key elements to success. I also know that the past has a way of clouding our vision. I help my audience get crystal clear on the past and then teach them how to look at it through a different lens. One that is without judgment, has compassion and finds success in the lessons. Therefore, breaking through blocks and opening you up to grow and expand! My 'Trifecta for Success' consists of self-work, communication and leadership. It is my belief that you cannot reach your highest potential without developing all of these areas. We will have fun, we will learn but most importantly we leave with an entirely new perspective on how to hold the past and attack the future with excitement and intention! 


Teaser time... what is next for you!? What are your big visions for 2020?

I am so excited to launch my podcast, “Awaken the Warrior Woman Within.” I WILL do a large-scale event/retreat to serve women. TEDx Talk! Growing my healing work as we bring Girl Power Go Nationwide incorporating more EFT Tapping into the world. 


To learn more about Erin’s work, click here to visit her website and here to watch her brand video.  

To register for the upcoming Nexus event, taking place Dec. 17 from 3:30-6 pm, featuring Erin, click here.