A Lesson in Entrepreneurship

A lesson I wish I had learned a lot sooner in entrepreneurship…

A lot of what you think you need before moving forward is wrong.

Yeah, it's nice to have.

It will probably make you feel better about yourself.

May even make you sleep better at night.

But you don't need it.

A perfectly crafted message, gorgeous branded photos, a big following.

It really doesn't matter.

Go be yourself and speak your truth.

Trust that you, exactly as you are, are more than enough and worthy.

Build genuine and real relationships.

Figure out what energizes you and do only that.

Get really good at one to two things.

Get super clear on what you want.

Then ask for it.

You. Do. Not. Need. To. Do. More.

Be yourself. Seriously.

You are powerful beyond belief.

You might just need someone who can see it before you can.

To hold space for you to step fully into yourself, your desires, your power.

Stop wasting time on everything else.

You truly truly don't need it.

And yes, I get it. I spent tens of thousands of dollars and countless years figuring it out the hard way.

But you don't have to.