Advice for Self-Quarantine

Stuck inside? Practicing social distancing? Grab some quick tips for making the most of self-quarantine:

1. If possible, stock up on fresh vegetables. And wine. Maybe movie popcorn and chocolate too.

2. Begin every morning with a meditation. Even if it’s only 5-10 minutes. Like brushing teeth, just do it. All we really have is now(!)

3. Check on thy neighbor, people you talk to regularly and those you do not. We’re all in this together, even when we're apart. Be creative in how you stay connected. Check on the widow down the street, your college BFF in Mexico City, your mom. Reach out. This is just as much for you as it is for them.

4. Stretch or play outside. Sunshine is really good, cheap medicine. Take it in. Ideally near a body of water, but any and all sunshine will do.

5. Nighttime is entertainment time. Reward your coronapacolyse brain with that show you’ve been putting off. Or board game that's collecting dust in the closet. A great book. Escape.

6. Sleep. For the love of gawd, rest thy body. Seven hour minimum.

7. Most importantly, end and start each day with a list of what you're grateful for. Your heart will thank YOU in return.

Even if it feels lonely in this coronapocolypse world, I assure you, you are not alone. Stay safe and be well, friends.